Life Saver Award & the Importance of Bystander CPR

In September of 2022, Donna Ford and her daughter were shopping at Hobby Lobby when she collapsed and became unresponsive. Donna’s daughter, Candiss, began CPR immediately and called for help. James Davenport, the manager of Hobby Lobby, took over for Candiss until LifeNet’s crews arrived 2 minutes later to transport. Fast forward to May of 2023 where Donna is neurologically intact and has no long-term damage. This was all possible because of the prompt action taken by her daughter and James. Their knowledge of CPR and fast acting actions all contributed to her complete recovery.

This story helps shed a light on the importance of bystander CPR and that seconds really do matter when it comes to someone’s life. According to the American Heart Association, “CPR initiated by a bystander can nearly double the chance of survival from cardiac arrest, from about 7% to 10%”.  Every second that is delayed in starting CPR, is another second of survival that can slip away. Candiss and James acting on their previous CPR knowledge, allowed them to have the tools to step in and save Donna’s life.  With the recent changes in CPR, no mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is necessary. Bystander CPR, hands only, is the most effective in increasing someone’s survival chances upon passing out.

CPR is effective however, there are some other actions you can take to help increase survival while waiting on medical attention. If an AED is available, call on someone to go obtain it. Staying calm and staying near the patient is also important. It is important that they are aware you are with them and will stay until help has arrived.

On May 8th, LifeNet and Chief Chris Black presented a LifeSaver award at the Texarkana, Texas City Council Meeting to James and Candiss to commend them for their lifesaving actions.

Articles Used:

“What to Know about Bystander CPR and Coronavirus Risk.” Www.Heart.Org, 24 Jan. 2023,